もみほぐし(Body massage)30分 2,200円(税込・tax included)、アロマオイルマッサージ(Aromatic oil)90分 7,500円(税込・tax included)、ハンドマッサージ(Hand massage)30分 2,800円(税込・tax included)、タイ古式マッサージ(Thai traditional massage)60分 5,000円(税込・tax included)、足の角質ケア(Foot horny care)30分 3,000円(税込・tax included)など、各メニュー同士を自由に組み合わせることも可能です。
※延長追加料金:10分 800円(税込価格)
※アロマオイルマッサージ延長追加料金:10分 1,000円(税込価格)
※You can extend your time in 10-minute increments.
※Extension additional charge: 800 yen for 10 minutes (tax included)
※Aromatic oil extension additional charge: 1,000 yen for 10 minutes (tax included)
もみほぐし Body massage 全身按摩 전신 마사지
肩や背中、腰や足など全身が疲れている方にお勧めのコースです。 筋肉の緊張とコリをほぐし疲れを取り、リフレッシュしていただけます。
30min | ¥2,200(税込・tax included) |
60min | ¥3,800(税込・tax included) |
90min | ¥5,600(税込・tax included) |
120min | ¥7,300(税込・tax included) |
延長追加料金(Extension additional charge):
10min ¥800(税込・tax included)
足ツボ Foot acupuncture point massage 足部穴位按摩 발 마사지
30min | ¥2,600(税込・tax included) |
60min | ¥5,000(税込・tax included) |
フットバス付(With foot bath)
延長追加料金(Extension additional charge):
10min ¥900(税込・tax included)
アロマオイルマッサージ Aromatic oil 芳香精油按摩 오일 마사지
60min | ¥5,500(税込・tax included) |
90min | ¥7,500(税込・tax included) |
120min | ¥9,800(税込・tax included) |
10min ¥1,000(税込・tax included)
※Male customers will be charged an additional 300 yen (tax included).
タイ古式マッサージ Thai traditional massage 泰式按摩 타이 마사지
60min | ¥5,000(税込・tax included) |
90min | ¥7,400(税込・tax included) |
120min | ¥9,000(税込・tax included) |
10min ¥900(税込・tax included)
*We will guide you to the dedicated floor and related salons.
足の角質ケア Foot horny care 足部角质护理 각질 마사지
古い角質が足裏に蓄積されると足のバランスを崩してしまい、様々な所に支障をきたします。 足の角質をきれいにケアし体も整えましょう。
30min | ¥3,000(税込・tax included) |
30分 | 2,400円~ |
頭皮・顔ツボ Scalp face acupuncture point massage 头皮脸部穴位按摩 머리 얼굴 지압
20min | ¥1,800(税込・tax included) |
30min | ¥2,600(税込・tax included) |
延長追加料金(Extension additional charge):
10min ¥800(税込・tax included)
ハンドマッサージ Hand massage 手部按摩 손 마사지
15min | ¥1,500(税込・tax included) |
30min | ¥2,800(税込・tax included) |
延長追加料金(Extension additional charge):
10min ¥800(税込・tax included)
●トリプル3(スリー)/Triple 3-Body massage:30min+Foot acupuncture point massage:30min(total:90min)
¥6,650 (税込・tax included)
手足が特にお疲れのあなたにオススメの90分コース! 立ち仕事やデスクワークなどお疲れの方ならどなたでも◎■男女指名は別途『400円(税込価格)』必要です●STAFF指名は別途『500円(税込価格)』必要です
A 90-minute course especially recommended for those who are concerned about tired hands and feet! For those who are tired from standing or desk work.
■An additional 400 yen (tax included) is required for male and female nominations.
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●眼精疲労コース/Relieve eye fatigue course:60min
¥4,350 (税込・tax included)
Great value set menu of 30 minutes of Scalp face acupuncture point massage + 30 minutes of Body massage
■An additional 400 yen (tax included) is required for male and female nominations.
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●Z BODY 100分/Z BODY 100min-Body massage:70min+Foot acupuncture point massage:30min(total:100min)
Z BODY100分【もみほぐし70分+足ツボ30分】
¥6,750 (税込・tax included)
A great value 100 minute course! Especially recommended for those who are concerned about upper body fatigue! !
■With foot bath
■An additional 400 yen (tax included) is required for male and female nominations.
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●Z ヘッド100分/Zubora head 100min-Body massage:80min+Scalp face acupuncture point massage: 20min(total:100min)
Z ヘッド100分【もみほぐし80分+頭皮顔ツボ20分】
¥6,750 (税込・tax included)
A great value 100 minute course! Especially recommended for those who are concerned about headaches and eye strain!
■An additional 400 yen (tax included) is required for male and female nominations.
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●シングル割オイルヘッド/Oil head for single person discount menu-Aromatic oil:80min+Scalp face acupuncture point massage: 20min(total:100min)
シングル割 オイルヘッド【オイル80分+頭皮顔ツボ20分】合計100分
¥8,220 (税込・tax included)
Discount course for singles: 80 minutes of Aromatic oil treatment + 20 minutes of Scalp face acupuncture point massage
●A female therapist will be in charge.
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●Male customers will be charged an additional 300 yen (tax included).
●道頓堀SPECIAL 155分(足浴5分無料サービス)/Dotonbori special course(foot bath 5 minutes free service included):155min
¥10,280 (税込・tax included)
[90 minutes of full body Aromatic oil massage + 65 minutes of Body massage] Full of content!!
●A female therapist will be in charge.
●Male customers will be charged an additional 300 yen (tax included).
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●美足三昧65分/Bisoku-zanmai course:Foot horny care:30min+Foot acupuncture point massage: 35min(total:65min)
¥5,440 (税込・tax included)
*With foot bath
■An additional 400 yen (tax included) is required for male and female nominations.
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●こり貴族Zコース140分/Korikizoku Z course(foot bath 5 minutes free service included):140min
¥9,430 (税込・tax included)
[頭皮,顔20分+もみほぐし90分+足ツボ30分]もみほぐし&爽快感◎ 歩き疲れた足に最適な足つぼのコース!■男女指名は別途『400円(税込価格)』必要です●STAFF指名は別途『500円(税込価格)』必要です
[Scalp face acupuncture point massage 20 minutes + Body massage 90 minutes + Foot acupuncture point massage 30 minutes] Refresh yourself with a massage ◎ A foot massage course perfect for tired feet from walking!
■An additional 400 yen (tax included) is required for male and female nominations.
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●ペア割キャッシュレスBODY100分/Pair-wari Cashless Body with foot bath(pair discount menu, available for 2 or more people):100min
¥15,730 [\7,865/人](税込・tax included)
Pair discount menu of 50 minutes of foot acupuncture point massage + 50 minutes of full body massage
★When using cashless payment for 2 or more people, the fee will be 7,865 yen (tax included) per person. *No pair rooms available.
●Zスペシャル/Z SPECIAL(foot bath 5 minutes free service included) - Aromatic oil:90min+Body massage:60min+Foot acupuncture point massage:30min(total:180min)
¥12,980 (税込・tax included)
オイル90分+もみほぐし60分+足つぼ30分 計180分
●A female therapist will be in charge.
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●Male customers will be charged an additional 300 yen (tax included).
*With foot bath
●ダブル4/Double 4-Body massage:40min+Foot acupuncture point massage:40min(total:80min)
ダブル4【もみほぐし40分+足つぼ40分】 80分
¥6,050 (税込・tax included)
もみほぐし40分+足つぼ40分 計80分のお得なコース!全身お疲れの方におすすめのメニュー♪■フットバス付■男女指名は別途『400円(税込価格)』必要です◆STAFF指名は別途『500円(税込価格)』必要です
A great value 100 minute course! Recommended menu for those who are tired all over♪
■With foot bath
■An additional 400 yen (tax included) is required for male and female nominations.
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●Z FOOT/Z FOOT-Foot acupuncture point massage:70min+Body massage:30min(total:100min)
¥7,130 (税込・tax included)
A great value 100 minute course! Especially recommended for those who are concerned about lower body fatigue.
■With foot bath
●Male customers will be charged an additional 300 yen (tax included).
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●ペア割 Zオイル/Pair-wari Z oil-Aromatic oil:70min+Foot acupuncture point massage:30min(total:100min)
¥16,450 (税込・tax included)
オイル70分+足ツボ30分 計100分のペア割コースです!
Pair discount course of 70 minutes of oil + 30 minutes of foot massage for a total of 100 minutes!
●A female therapist will be in charge.
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●Male customers will be charged an additional 300 yen (tax included).
*No pair rooms available.
●Z HAND/Z HAND-Body massage:70min+Hand massage:30min(total:100min)
¥6,750 (税込・tax included)
A great value 100 minute course that includes 70 minutes of massage and 30 minutes of hand massage! Especially recommended for those who are concerned about their shoulders and arm area! !
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●Male customers will be charged an additional 300 yen (tax included).
●マントラ/Mantra(foot bath 5 minutes free service included) - Thai traditional massage:70min+Foot acupuncture point massage:30min(total:100min)
¥7,500 (税込・tax included)
タイ古式マッサージ70分+足つぼ30分 計100分
■An additional 400 yen (tax included) is required for male and female nominations.
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●つるピカZ/Tsuru-Pika Z - Foot acupuncture point massage:50min+Foot horny care:30min+Body massage:20min(total:100min)
¥8,470 (税込・tax included)
足ツボ50分+角質30分+もみほぐし20分 計100分でツルピカ、全身スッキリ!
50 minutes of Foot acupuncture point massage + 30 minutes of Foot horny care + 20 minutes of Body massage, a total of 100 minutes to leave your whole body smooth and refreshed!
■An additional 400 yen (tax included) is required for male and female nominations.
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●学割U24/Gakuwari(Student discount)U24 - Body massage:45min+Foot acupuncture point massage:20min(total:65min)
¥4,710 (税込・tax included)
【学生さん応援!!】もみほぐし45分+足ツボ20分 計65分のお得なセットメニュー!
Student discount support course! A great value set menu that includes 45 minutes of Body massage and 20 minutes of Foot acupuncture point massage for a total of 65 minutes!
■An additional 400 yen (tax included) is required for male and female nominations.
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
●べっぴんさん/Beppin-san Z - Scalp face acupuncture point massage:30min+Foot horny care:30min+Body massage:40min(total:100min)
¥8,100 (税込・tax included)
頭皮,顔ツボ30分+角質30分+もみほぐし40分 計100分のコースです!
30 minutes for Scalp face acupuncture point massage + 30 minutes for Foot horny care + 40 minutes for Body massage, a total of 100 minutes! Relax your mind and body! Recommended for men too!
■An additional 400 yen (tax included) is required for male and female nominations.
●An additional 500 yen (tax included) is required for staff nominations.
*With foot bath